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Max-D Rumbled Out of the Pit

Authored by Monster Jam on November 11, 2022

When you have a collection of the finest talent in Monster Jam®, you can expect all of the stops to be pulled out to create the best entertainment that fans will never forget. Each year, the challenge is to amaze and thrill those who have gathered at Sam Boyd Stadium in Las Vegas. This year, it was time to turn to the Monster Jam “stunt master.”

As an 11-time Monster Jam World Finals® champion, Tom Meents has heard the appreciative crowd roar for his victories. While the Max-DTM driver would seek additional titles in 2016, he also had something else up his sleeve.

After bowing out in the Racing quarterfinals, Meents went to work on his secret weapon. His specially prepared Max-D truck was ready and the crew stood by to the end of the Friday night activity. Soon after 2016 Monster Jam World Finals Racing Champion Morgan Kane ended his celebration, the time had come.

Five Monster Jam trucks entered the stadium floor, lining up at the base of a ramp near the closed end of the bowl. Soon after, Max-D rumbled out of the pit, heading down Thunder Alley, but not bound for the finish line. After a quick pass to check the truck’s handling, Meents took aim on the ramp, built up speed and flew through the air. The 10,000-pound Monster Jam truck floated like a feather through the air, coming down safely past the final truck.

Meents wasn’t done. He stayed in the throttle and took aim at the backflip ramp directly in his sights. He topped the trick by completing a backflip that elevated the truck to great heights. The subsequent fireworks display gave the fans the indication that the night was over, but there was still one more night of competition…and one more surprise in store.